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Golf Courses of Scotland
TripNut Navigator: Home | Golf Courses of Scotland
Journey to the Birthplace of Golf
Golfing is one of the world's favourite sports and so the Visits & Trips Network is adding resources for golfers who like to take their game on the road. We have created an extensive directory of public and private golf courses on and other Visits & Trips sites so you can find courses in the places you are already planning to visit, or places you will enjoy visiting when you travel to the courses you want to play.
Use the golf menu on the left to search for Scottish Golf Courses.
Featured Golf Courses in Scotland
Location: East Lothian, Scotland
44 (0) 1620 842123 44 (0) 1620 842977
Address: The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, Duncur Road, Gullane, EH31 2EG
Location: Fife, Scotland
44 (0) 1382 541898 44 (0) 1382 541898
Address: Drumoig Hotel and Golf Course, Drumoig, Leuchars, St. Andrews, Scotland, KY16 0DW
Location: Glasgow City, Scotland
44 (0) 141 7794954 44 (0) 141 7799148
Address: Cumbernauld Rd, Muirhead, G69 9JF
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